Mice On Main books can be found at the following fine Greenville stores: Barnes and Noble Haywood Road: 458-9113 Woodruff Road: 627-9197 Fiction Addiction (Books and Games) 1020A Woodruff Road: 609-9394 Greenville County Museum of Art 420 College Street: 271-7570 Mast General Store (Books, T-Shirts, and Games) 111 North Main Street: 235-1883 O.P. Taylor's 117 North Main Street: 467-1984 Pickwick Pharmacy (Books and Games) 3219 Augusta Street: 277-7917 Upcountry History Museum 540 Buncombe Road: 467-3100
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Zan Wells rolls "Mice on Main" t-shirts to be boxed up and sent to Cameroon in Africa where they will be given to children in an orphanage and to families who have lost their homes and property. Kelly, Wells, and Ryan's mission is to help others with their shirts and books. |
"Really, Dad, they can buy our book at the fine stores listed above AND online at Amazon and MastGeneralStore.com?"
"Yes, Teeny Tiny Millie, that's true."
"That's sparkly, Dad. I like it."